Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I haven't been here in a while... But i will be back sooooooon.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Phone Book

You ever see those extremely strong guys rip the phone books in half.
Here is a reminder just in case our forgot:
So a buddy of ours, was telling us how he could rip one in half... And of course we knew he couldn't... So he tried... and failed. But we do have a friend that CAN rip it, and he did. so check the video.

The Phone Book. from ROBO-film on Vimeo.

Monday, January 18, 2010

A Moment in Time.

A Moment in Time from ROBO-film on Vimeo.

i am working a little project called " A Moment in Time" here is the first scene from it expect more in about a week.

sorry for lack of updates. busy busy busy.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I hate being sick.

Sick from ROBO-film on Vimeo.

Today I was sick. So i decided to take some meds, and sleep so i could feel better tomorrow. And since me taking any form of medicine is basically unheard of.... i make a video recorded some guitar and put it up on line.

But I did get to watch RETURN OF THE JEDI. So i guess the WHOLE day wasn't shot.

And as you have probably also noticed I'm not going to use the crappy blogspot video uploader anymore, but instead I will be using Vimeo. And if you would like to make a donation I would gladly take it so I can upgrade to Vimeo plus and have more then 500 MB of video room a week.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


So last night I was messing around with some clips I shot on new years eve... This is what came from it:

Here is the original. It might even be a bit more funny then the edited version. But in any case. I laugh when I watch both. Its amazing the feel you can get with you take ten minuts to record some "scary" music and turn color to black and white. But here is the original:

I know what you're thinking... "Man i wish we could watch this in slow motion" and let me tell you I was thinking the SAME THING so here you go!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The little things..

You know those things that happen, but you don't know why, but after you look back on them and think "What the frick?" Yeah, me too, this is one of those times...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The sound that changed my life.

Here is the heart beat of me and my wife's baby. Baby Steg, and yes thats shorts for Stegosaurus.